Newborn Kittens Without Milk Will Die Within Hours

Brown tabby kitten laying on a small bag on a bathroom counter.
A Berkeley Humane foster rescues an abandoned kitten from a parking lot in Houston, Texas.

Kitten Season is Here!

As soon as the daytime temperatures begin to warm, hundreds of kittens are born throughout our community. While the lucky ones have a nursing mom, at least 10% of the kittens rushed to Berkeley Humane are younger than 4 weeks old and will not survive without quick intervention. Every year we train special “bottle-baby” volunteers who have committed to spend long hours and many weeks working to save the lives of these tiny little animals. In the early days, a kitten must be fed a special formula every two hours, day and night. The kittens are also kept warm with heating pads because they are so small they cannot easily regulate their body temperature.

In recent months over 400 kittens were transported to Berkeley Humane from individuals in our community or public shelters throughout California – except one very special kitten from Houston. Cherri was found abandoned and alone in the middle of a large parking lot at the Houston International Airport. By coincidence, one of our experienced kitten fosters had a layover in Houston after visiting family in Minnesota. She intervened and knew she could safely transport the kitten back to California. Cherri was allowed to board the flight. Somehow she knew she was out of harm’s way and slept the whole flight tucked safely in her new foster’s sweatshirt. Hours later Cherri received a medical check and became a Berkeley Humane kitten.

Not all kittens are as lucky as Cherri. This spring we will be prepared to respond to the hundreds of kittens who need a fighting chance at life. And you, our donors, are part of the fight. Today our dedicated volunteers are gearing up to provide loving care, necessary vaccines, and life-saving formula. By providing the resources they need to respond, we will ensure being born on the street was just a challenge these kittens overcame on their way to a new loving home. You can learn more at

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