new dog

A young puppy with a black and white coat lying down, gazing directly into the camera with big, expressive eyes. This puppy is part of Berkeley Humane's collaboration with a crisis animal rescue team focused on transporting dogs from the Central Valley to receive essential medical care. The image highlights the vulnerable state of puppies in under-resourced areas like the Central Valley, where they are at risk of life-threatening conditions such as Canine Parvovirus.


Berkeley Humane collaborates with a crisis animal rescue team dedicated to transporting dogs from the Central Valley to our medical program. The Kern Project specializes in rescuing dogs from under-resourced shelters and the community, whether they have been intentionally abandoned in fields or found as strays. Due to ongoing challenges

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Train the Bay trainer Nancy Frensley with her Austrailian Shepherd and mixed dogs. Dog training bay area

Training Tips: Platform and Ball Fitness

In this video Nancy Frensley, Training Manager at Berkeley Humane shares her tips for getting your dog to love going to a platform and how your dog can use a yoga ball. It may seem complicated, but as with any skill or trick, it takes consistency, patience, and lots of

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